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What We Do
'Helping Carers Care"

Where it all began...​


Stockport Foster Carers Association was formed in December 2004 to support those that Foster for Stockport Council. Initially the main aim of the association was to help the Stockport Family retain its Foster Carers by providing an additional support network from within. A network of Foster Carers that share the same challenges, rewards and experiences.


The SFCA (for short), started with its first ever Support Group a matter of weeks after its formation and successfully became a forum for its members to meet regularly and talk through common experiences together. Fast forward to today, our Support Group format is still very much the same! These days we meet monthly during term time, at a time which we believe is suitable for most. If you're interested you can enquire through our website and we'll be in touch!


How we've evolved...​


For a number of years we have been a Registered Charity in England and Wales. Not only do we coordinate the SFCA Support Groups, but we also plan Events and raise money to fund regular activities that our members and their placements get to enjoy! These have included trips to Theme Parks, Zoos, Sporting Events etc. with focus on specific activities for Family Groups, Teenagers and Under 12's.


We still work very closely with SMBC and they're a much valued financial contributor helping us meet our fundraising targets each year!


The SFCA have also funded and supplied access to discount Schemes specifically for Foster Carers, an example of this being the Max Card. Want to know more? Click here to register your interest!


How we continue to Support Our Members...​


Unless explicitly opted out, all Foster Carers that are registered with SMBC are automatically enrolled as a Member of the SFCA. Members are entitled to attend our Support Groups, will be invited to our Events and are also very welcome to help us Fundraise.


Our role as a Foster Carer comes with challenges, frustrations and concerns. Occasionally our members will look to us for support and guidance. We will make recommendations to you about where and when to look for help, either within the Fostering Service or refer you to an external agency like The Fostering Network or GMB Trade Union.


Our Committee attends Bi-Annual Management Meetings with the Fostering Service to represent common issues our members are faced with. In recent years we have successfully influenced change to Foster Carers Pay resulting in increased allowances. We will continue to scrutinise any changes imposed on our members to ensure any changes are lawful and fair.

SFCA | Stockport Foster Carers Association | ©2024

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